Environment Tobago (ET) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization. Established in 1996 and registered under the Companies Act (1995), ET prides itself on 23 years of advocating for the welfare of local environment. But it works as well towards ways to mitigate nature-induced events or other stressors that threatens way-of-life both here and abroad. The organization comprises an elected board of directors who are all volunteers, salaried staff and members.
ET’s funding comes mainly through donor grants and contributions. Other fund-raising efforts include book and memorabilia sales and membership fees.
Environment Tobago has implemented several projects over the years including the Keep A Clean School Awards Program and the Tobago Ridge to Reef Education Program, both of which are still running. We maintain Summer and Easter holiday eco-focus camps.
In keeping with its mission, Environment Tobago strives to maintain a presence in all stakeholder consultations or initiatives that can help with conserving, improving or alternately – altering local or regional ecosystems. For example, ET has recently been reappointed for another 4-year term as the Caribbean region’s focal point for the GEF CSO Network. It also serves as the Tobago sub-committee co-chair on the Integrated Forests and Protected Area Management Project (IFPAMTT), a GEF large scale project under implementation by the FAO.
Environment Tobago also functions as a project partner with major NGOs implementing the nationally targeted CSOs4GoodGov and CSOs4EcoOversight projects – both funded by the European Commission. ET is the current chair of the Council of the Presidents of the Environment (COPE).
Phone: 1-868-660-7467; 1868-466-0608 E-mail: [email protected]